10 Terminal and Parklands Renewal Project


THE project

In November 2020 the Trust released a project direction for 10 Terminal. Key elements included: (a) the adaptive re-use of 10 Terminal buildings for community and commercial uses; (b) removal of the two-storey barracks to create additional landscaped parkland, with views opened up over Middle Harbour; (c) construction of a new easy-grade path around the precinct; and (d) interpretation of the headland’s multi-layered heritage.



HPG considers that the Trust has an obligation to rehabilitate 10 Terminal, to facilitate appropriate adaptive re-use and interpretation of the site that complements its historical past.

The 10 Terminal military complex is the largest and most significant set of buildings in Headland Park, Middle Head, Mosman NSW. It has exceptional architectural and military heritage and historical values. 

HPG’s position

HPG has serious concerns about this Project Plan for 10 Terminal.

Since 2014 HPG proactively put forward multiple alternative uses for the precinct that would align with the objects of the Trust.


BELOW: Images taken in 1998 not long before handover to the Harbour Trust in 2001 show that 10 Terminal was in excellent condition.


Community Consultation

The Harbour Trust’s presentations to the CAC (Community Advisory Committee) and HPG were not sufficient in scope or depth to meet the commitment to genuine public consultation.

HPG requested additional and more comprehensive opportunities for wider public consultation as well as more open and in-depth information and discussion with CAC and HPG in the interests of transparency.

The confidentiality requirements imposed by the Harbour Trust with regard to the briefing papers of the Project Plan are onerous and oppressive. HPG requested relief from the Harbour Trust in this regard to allow HPG’s membership and the wider public to be fully informed of the of the Project Plan.

ABOVE: HPG is campaigning to ensure that the Harbour Trust focuses on protecting and conserving the heritage values of all its sites.

ABOVE: HPG campaigns to ensure that Harbour Trust sites are protected and conserved.


Key Points:


Trust lands hold rich indigenous, colonial and military heritage that tell the story of our Nation. They boast a pristine natural environment of native vegetation and a rich marine habitat. The footprint of the built environment is soft upon the land providing an unparalleled natural parkland of beauty and respite.


Trust lands were a gift from the Commonwealth Government to the people of Australia in celebration of 100  years of Federation. As the Prime Minister, John Howard, said: 

‘Sydney Harbour, as I don’t need to remind any Australian, is probably the world’s greatest harbour. It  is one of the great natural beauty spots of our nation. It is …….. one of those parts of our country which  gives immense pride and immense pleasure, not only to the residents of Sydney, but also to all  Australians because it wins such wide acclaim around the world.’  


The exceptional Harbour Trust sites must be preserved, protected and interpreted as required by the objects  legislated in the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Act for the people of Australia to enjoy. Objects that have  particular relevance here: 

  • to protect, conserve and interpret the environmental and heritage values of Trust land;

  • to maximise public access to Trust land; 

  • to establish and manage suitable Trust land as a park on behalf of the Commonwealth as the  national government;