Not all heritage sites are a ‘must balance heritage with amenity’

Sydney Morning Herald
9 November 2024
Letter to the Editor by Jill L’Estrange, President, Headland Preservation Group

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Middle Head’s heritage and environmental values are unique and it is referred to as the “jewel in the crown of Sydney Harbour”.

This irreplaceable legacy was given to all Australians as a gift of Federation.

The military precinct of Middle Head which includes Middle Head Oval is Commonwealth heritage-listed. The Sydney Harbour Federation Trust that manages the land has a primary statutory obligation “to protect, conserve and interpret the environmental and heritage values of Trust land”. Mosman Council is the licensee of the oval and the existing amenities.

Let’s be clear, however, the “Mosman toilet block” is no toilet block. It has all the amenities that the proposed sporting facility will provide. Male and female toilets and two unisex change rooms. Unfortunately, Mosman Council has failed to adequately maintain the building.

Yes, it needs upgrading, and we have no beef with that. However, we object to the construction of a grandstand and other supporting structures, which will result in three times the existing built area and effectively create an “open clubhouse” (Mosman mayor’s words) for the exclusive use of AFL and soccer.

The proposed grandstand will dominate the entrance to the precinct and severely diminish the site’s heritage and environmental values. Not all heritage sites are a “must balance heritage with amenity”.

Jill L’Estrange, president, Headland Preservation Group