HPG’s submission for the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Masterplan for Middle Head 2016.
HPG feels there is potential conflict between natural, cultural, retreat, release, underdeveloped and low-key character on the one hand AND increased visitation and usage on the other.
Increased visitation and usage that enables a broad cross section of users and visitors to enjoy and benefit from the headland parklands must be achieved without threat to the headland’s fragile landscape and built heritage.
Middle Head is a highly significant cultural and heritage site currently protected by legislation. But this public land is a developer’s dream and governments will always be cash strapped. These places will only remain protected if the public insists on it.
The Harbour Trust and NPWS have a common objective of increasing visitor numbers to Middle Head. The indigenous and military history of and the extensive defence infrastructure remaining on Middle and Georges Heads represent a tremendous resource to promote the whole area as an important historic precinct. The Harbour and NPWS have committed to work together to achieve a whole of Middle Head approach to the future evolution of the precinct.
There is now an opportunity to capitalise on this immense historic potential to tell the story, attract visitors and preserve the rich heritage of Middle Head for future generations.
Above: Concept drawing of an event on the barracks green, the NPWS Masterplan proposes that Middle Head and Georges Head be more actively opened up and promoted for various uses. The issue that is the most contentious is the extent to which festivals, tours and other events (public and private) are allowed and/or encouraged on the headlands and in and through its numerous fortifications.
Key points:
The NPWS Draft Masterplan for Middle Head and Georges Head “seeks to reconcile their fundamental values with a level of access to increase visitation and usage.” HPG applauds this principle but has concerns about how the proposed increased use of Middle Head will occur.
There are six principal concerns
Funding for the restoration work required
Festivals on cleared areas
Tours through fortifications
The need for a joint NPWS and Harbour Trust Discovery Centre
The use of buildings adjoining ‘Barracks Green’
Camping proposed for three potential areas
Events may fund recurrent expenditure but not the capital works. Without a source of funds to do the necessary restoration work proposed, the Outcomes of the Masterplan will remain a pipe dream.
If ever there was an example of why NPWS and the Harbour Trust need to work together it is the necessity for integrated use of the NPWS buildings and adjacent Harbour Trust buildings. Both the NPWS Masterplan and the Harbour Trust’s draft Amended Management Plan accept the need for a Visitors’ Centre. To date no common ground has however been suggested.