Timeline – Campaign to save former Department of Defence lands from sale and re-development and the formation of a Harbour Trust.

Fraser-Wran agreement – In 1979 the then Prime Minister Hon Malcom Fraser MP and the NSW Premier Hon Neville Wran MP reached an agreement in relation to the transfer of Defence Department land to the NSW Government which had become surplus to Commonwealth Government requirements. The agreement saw the transfer of 38.3 ha of land at Middle Head, 172.9 ha at North Head, 6.7 ha at South Head, and 46.43 ha at Dobroyd Head to the State.


Early 1990s

1990s – The issue of Defence land has been brought back into focus with the Commonwealth announcement that some Sydney Harbour defence sites are surplus to requirements due to the relocation of certain army units. Portions of land at Middle Head, Georges Heights, North Head and HMAS Platypus and Woolwich are in this category. HMAS Penguin, the Navy’s base and hospital, and other Defence units will remain at Middle Head. At the heart of the controversy is the issue of selling off defence land ‘to the highest bidder’, to be developed as housing.

1994 – The Defence Sydney Property Disposal Unit organised a "Steering Committee” in Mosman to consider the future use of Middle Head, Georges Heights and Chowder Bay. In addition to Defence, it included all three levels of government and community representatives.


In October 1996 – Steering Committee released its “Preferred Outcome” document which included the sale of 180 housing lots and the transfer of land on the ridge-line to Mosman Council for the creation of a “Leisure Centre” with funding of $10m. The Preferred Outcome had the support of the federal Member Tony Abbott, the federal Minister Bronwyn Bishop, and the Mayor of Mosman Virginia Howard. The community later claimed it had been “hoodwinked” during this process.

ABOVE: The “Preferred Outcome” included a proposal for the sale of 180 house lots (120 new and 60 for redevelopment).

ABOVE: The “Preferred Outcome” included a proposal for the sale of 180 house lots (120 new and 60 for redevelopment).

November 1996 – The Headland Preservation Group (HPG) was established by local Mosman residents and other concerned citizens, including Linda Bergin, Don Goodsir and Dr Peter Jones. The initial purpose of the HPG was to protect Georges Heights from being sold and developed, to prevent the ad-hoc sale of public land and to lobby the government.

27 November 1996 – The HPG held its first public meeting.


15 February 1997 – NSW Premier Bob Carr made a surprise visit to Middle Head and announced that there would be no further negotiation by the NSW Government with the Commonwealth Government regarding residential development on the Trust Lands as NSW will rezone the land.

ABOVE: 15 february 1997 announcement (L-R) NSW Premier Bob Carr, Linda Bergin HPG Chairman, Don Goodsir HPG Secretary. Image HPG Archives

ABOVE: 15 february 1997 announcement (L-R) NSW Premier Bob Carr, Linda Bergin HPG Chairman, Don Goodsir HPG Secretary. Image HPG Archives

20 February 1997 – HPG made a submission to the Steering Committee and proposed a “Middle Head Trust”.

3 March 1997 – †he Steering Committee issued a statement agreeing to lobby the Federal Cabinet to provide funds from the Centenary of Federation Project, so that no land sales would be necessary to cover the relocation expense.

23 June 1997 – An alliance of 11 community groups (including HPG) interested in preserving foreshore land from sale met under the banner of the 'Defenders of Sydney Harbour Foreshores' (the Defenders) at the initiative of Phil Jenkyn. Phil Jenkyn was involved in the Foreshore 2000 campaign for Defence land at Woolwich and had attended HPG public meetings. HPG assumed a key role in the Defenders. 

The Defenders operated from mid-1997 to early 2001 when the Act was finally passed. It was a coalition of community groups and NGOs who collaborated to save the Defence lands and also was greatly involved in the passage of the Act. It was never formalised as an incorporated association. 

23 July 1997 – The Hon Barry O'Keefe, President of the National Trust of Australia (NSW) gives an address to the HPG. He said “we at the National Trust will use our best endeavours to ensure that the land… will remain as public land.”

19 August 1997 – Premier Bob Carr released the "State Government's Vision for the Sydney Harbour Foreshores", blocking Commonwealth plans to develop Department of Defence land, and wrote to Prime Minister John Howard stating that, “All Commonwealth land earmarked for residential development should be turned over for public use and included in the Sydney Harbour National Park."

15 October 1997 – HPG was incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 1984 (NSW) as the Headland Preservation Group Incorporated.

ABOVE: HPG’s 8th Public Meeting in July 1997. Front Row Right to Left: Don Goodsir, Secretary HPG, Jack Mundey, leader of the Green Bans and Chairman of Historic Houses Trust, Rusty Priest, President NSW RSL, Barry O’Keefe, President National Trust and Supreme Court Judge, Hon Dr. Peter McDonald MP, Member for Manly. Second Row (Seated behind Don Goodsir): Phil Jenkyn, Defenders of Sydney Harbour Foreshores. Image HPG Archives

ABOVE: HPG’s 8th Public Meeting in July 1997. Front Row Right to Left: Don Goodsir, Secretary HPG, Jack Mundey, leader of the Green Bans and Chairman of Historic Houses Trust, Rusty Priest, President NSW RSL, Barry O’Keefe, President National Trust and Supreme Court Judge, Hon Dr. Peter McDonald MP, Member for Manly. Second Row (Seated behind Don Goodsir): Phil Jenkyn, Defenders of Sydney Harbour Foreshores. Image HPG Archives

ABOVE: Speakers at the 8th public meeting in July 1997, (L-R) The Hon Justice Barry O’keefe AM QC, Rusty Priest President RSL, Linda Bergin President HPG, Jack Mundey AO Chairman Historic Houses Trust of NSW, Phil Jenkyn Defenders of Sydney Harbour …

ABOVE: Speakers at the 8th public meeting in July 1997, (L-R) The Hon Justice Barry O’keefe AM QC, Rusty Priest President RSL, Linda Bergin President HPG, Jack Mundey AO Chairman Historic Houses Trust of NSW, Phil Jenkyn Defenders of Sydney Harbour Foreshores. Image HPG Archives


9 February 1998 – †he Leader of the NSW Opposition Peter Collins wrote to Prime Minister John Howard supporting HPG's proposal to establish the Federation Park Trust including the allocation of $100 million from the Federation Fund.

10 August 1998 – HPG's first Annual General Meeting. HPG President, Linda Bergin, proposed a Harbour Trust modelled on the Presidio of San Francisco. 

21 August 1998 – State Environmental Planning Policy No. 56 - Sydney Harbour (SEPP 56) was gazetted. Amongst other things, SEPP 56 declared development of certain land at Middle Head to be "state significant development”, made the Minister for Urban Affairs and Planning the consent authority and required master plans for the land before development consent could be granted. HPG played an important role in this, as it was a direct result of the Premier's announcement in February 1997.

5 September 1998 – Prime Minister John Howard made a surprise visit to Chowder Bay and announced that the Coalition Government, if re-elected, will create a trust to manage surplus Defence sites in "Protecting the Sydney Harbour Foreshore".

Future generations will regard this as a visionary moment. I am proud to belong to a government which has put long term environmental interests ahead of short term monetary focus…” Tony Abbott.

14 December 1998 – HPG organised "Celebrate Our Headland" on the 10 Terminal site, with the support of the Department of Defence. It was attended by the Minister for the Environment, Senator Robert Hill. We believe it is the first time a public event of this nature was allowed to be held on Defence land and the first time that the public could access Middle Head through Defence land.

ABOVE L-R: Linda Bergin, Kevin McCann (later appointed first Chair of the Harbour Trust), Diana Elsom at "Celebrate Our Headland" 14 december 1998. Image HPG Archives.

ABOVE L-R: Linda Bergin, Kevin McCann (later appointed first Chair of the Harbour Trust), Diana Elsom at "Celebrate Our Headland" 14 december 1998. Image HPG Archives.


13 March 1999 – The Environment Minister Senator Robert Hill announced the creation of the Interim Sydney Harbour Federation Trust. Kevin McCann, an HPG Member, was appointed Chair of the Interim Trust. The Commonwealth Government began drafting the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Bill 1999.

ABOVE: The Presidio model assisted in developing the Trust Act.

ABOVE: The Presidio model assisted in developing the Trust Act.

April 1999 – HPG undertook research on the Presidio Trust model and conferenced with the Presidio Board in San Francisco. On 27 April 1999, Linda Bergin presented a paper to the National Trust NSW entitled, "Sydney Harbour Defence Sites - Lessons from the United States".

27 May 1999 – HPG met with Senators of the Australian Democrats, who at the time held the balance of power in the Federal Senate. 

15 August 1999 – an exposure draft of the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Bill 1999 (Bill) was released for public comment. In September 1999, HPG made a Submission on the Bill. 

8 December 1999 – the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Bill was introduced into the Senate and referred to a Senate Committee on the same day.


28 January 2000 – HPG made a Submission to the Senate Committee.

29 March 2000 – The Senate Committee hearings were held, Linda Bergin and Don Goodsir gave evidence on behalf of HPG.

3 April 2000 – The Senate Committee Report was released, which recommended passage of the Bill but with recommendations. HPG's recommendations are reflected in Recommendations 2, 4, 5 and 6 of the Senate Committee's recommendations.

April 2000 – HPG and the Defenders sought support of non-government Senators to defer debate on the Bill so that amendments proposed by community and councils could be drafted. Linda Bergin and Don Goodsir HPG, Phil Jenkyn representing the Defenders, and various people from Hunters Hill Council, Mosman Council (Mayor Patricia Harvey), and Manly Council, drafted extensive amendments to the Bill that were presented to Senator Hill. Australian Democrats met with the Commonwealth Government regarding the proposed amendments prepared by HPG in cooperation with the Defenders and Hunters Hill Council, Mosman Council, and Manly Council.

ABOVE L-R: Julie Goodsir, Don Goodsir and Kate Eccles with the 2000 Mosman North Sydney Awards of Distinction Outstanding Environmental Award. Image HPG Archive

ABOVE L-R: Julie Goodsir, Don Goodsir and Kate Eccles with the 2000 Mosman North Sydney Awards of Distinction Outstanding Environmental Award. Image HPG Archive

May 2000 – HPG’s Vision for the Future is outlined in an HPG Newsletter:

“It is to be expected that outstanding architects will have "interesting views" of things which can be done with the Headland and the other unique Harbour sites. “

“The job of HPG, however, will be to consider whether these views accord with our views of desirable future uses. It will not be our aim to be hidebound and inflexible, but we must consider whether the uses fit with our considered approach, which firstly is that the Headland is to be considered as an entity, and not as a group of different buildings and structures separated by various pieces of bushland and playing fields.”



1 March 2001 – the interim Trust Chairman Kevin McCann wrote to HPG: “expressing sincere gratitude for the work that you and others did in securing the passage of the legislation” and “Our next challenge is to secure adequate funding for the Trust and I look forward to working with you on this stage of our defence of these precious lands.

26 May 2001 to 2 September – An Exhibition called ‘Sites Unseen: exploring the future of Trust lands on Sydney Harbour’ was staged at Customs House. The exhibition outlined the qualities of each of the sites, from their natural ecology through to built elements and their history. The aim was to raise awareness of the sites and to stimulate public discussion about the potential of these lands. An average of about 250 people visited the exhibition each day, with numbers reaching 550 on weekend days.


ABOVE: At the Exhibition called ‘Sites Unseen’ was staged at Customs House in 2001. HPG presented a plaque to Senator Robert Hill in appreciation. From L-R: Nick Hollo, SHFT, Kevin McCann, Chair SHFT, Linda Bergin HPG, Sen Hill, Ric LePlastrier SHFT…

ABOVE: At the Exhibition called ‘Sites Unseen’ was staged at Customs House in 2001. HPG presented a plaque to Senator Robert Hill in appreciation. From L-R: Nick Hollo, SHFT, Kevin McCann, Chair SHFT, Linda Bergin HPG, Sen Hill, Ric LePlastrier SHFT, Don Goodsir Pres HPG, Geoff Bailey SHFT. Image HPG Archive

20 September 2001 – the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust was established (following assent of the Act on 20 March 2001).


In 2001 – HPG commenced a large campaign (that ran until 2003) against a large development, "Bungaree Recreation Park" at the One Commando Company Trust site on the ridgeline of Georges Heights. The proposal included the transfer of this Trust land to Council ownership. HPG strongly opposed this as it was contrary to the Act and HPG supported the Trust's planners who recommended demolition of One Commando buildings and opening up the ridgeline to open parkland.

The Mosman Council proposal was eventually defeated. Later, in 2006, the One Commando buildings were demolished, which opened up the ridgeline views. HPG's campaign played a large part in ensuring the plans for demolition of the buildings was realised. 



9 November 2006 – The HPG AGM held on the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Headland Preservation Group. Meetings continued to be well attended and at this AGM HPG made a special presentation to Geoff Bailey Executive Director of the Sydney Harbour Trust with a copy of the first submission made by HPG regarding the Headland.

ABOVE L-R: HPG’s Linda Bergin and Don Goodsir present Geoff Bailey, Executive Director of the Harbour Trust a copy of the first submission made by HPG regarding the Headland. Image HPG Archive

ABOVE L-R: HPG’s Linda Bergin and Don Goodsir present Geoff Bailey, Executive Director of the Harbour Trust a copy of the first submission made by HPG regarding the Headland. Image HPG Archive

24 September 2007 – As a result of HPG's and The Mosman Parks and Bushland Associations’s campaigning, and in particular HPG's then President Don Goodsir's personal appeal to the Prime Minister, the operation of the Act was extended to 19 September 2033.



In 2011, a new Chair, Anthea Tinney, was appointed to the Trust board. 


22 March 2012 – The final AGM was held, preceded by the unveiling of the Don Goodsir Memorial Seat by Her Excellency Professor Marie Bashir AC CVO, Governor of NSW. Governor Bashir and Linda Bergin OAM gave the keynote speeches at the unveiling. Linda Bergin gave an address on Don's leadership of the HPG. Ms Tinney, the new Chair of the Trust also attended the HPG unveiling. Governor Bashir attended the reception following, which celebrated the life of the HPG. 


Kevin McCann, founding Chair of the Trust did not attend the final AGM but had sent a letter on 16 March 2012, which stated that “The outcome of the collaboration with the HPG was the establishment of a Trust and funding from the Federal Government and an excellent plan which enabled the preservation of a wonderful heritage site and area of open space."

2012 tour of the headland L-R: Mary Jones, Peter Jones, Geoff Bailey, Nick Hollo, Brian Wilder, Julie Goodsir, Tony MacCormick, Linda Bergin, Jack Mundey, Kate Eccles, Brian Bergin.

2012 tour of the headland L-R: Mary Jones, Peter Jones, Geoff Bailey, Nick Hollo, Brian Wilder, Julie Goodsir, Tony MacCormick, Linda Bergin, Jack Mundey, Kate Eccles, Brian Bergin.