10 Terminal site on Middle Head still facing an uncertain future

The Independent Review of the Harbour Trust report did not specifically address Headland Park, and in particular, the 10 Terminal site at Middle Head.

10 Terminal features a set of buildings that are of major military significance. Built in 1941 it is the only remaining example in Australia of a British Military Base, the design of which was used by the British worldwide.

Defence personnel stationed at 10 Terminal played an important part in three wars, being involved in practical and academic support for the Defence forces in education, engineering, communications, transport, and intelligence, to name a few. 

Australia's most decorated defence unit, the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam, with more than 100 commendations including four Victoria Crosses, trained and was headquartered in the 10 Terminal buildings.

Images of 10 Terminal taken just prior to handover to the Harbour Trust.

Images of 10 Terminal taken just prior to handover to the Harbour Trust.

In 2001 at the time of the formation of the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust, 10 Terminal, the largest building in Headland Park, was handed to the Trust in excellent condition. Since then it has been left to deteriorate due to the failure or inability of the Trust to maintain and repair the buildings. The Trust has not been able to find an appropriate adaptive re-use for the premises.

Since the handover 10 Terminal has been left to deteriorate due to the failure or inability of the Trust to maintain and repair the buildings.

Since the handover 10 Terminal has been left to deteriorate due to the failure or inability of the Trust to maintain and repair the buildings.

From 2013 to 2016 HPG campaigned to save 10 Terminal from a large-scale development for exclusive use as a large private aged care facility. The development would have resulted in significant alteration and additions to the historic buildings.

10 Terminal should be the anchor of Headland Park. It should be rehabilitated to attract uses that define the Park. Inaction and neglect by the Trust over the years has reduced the building to a dilapidated shell and has compromised the interpretation of significant history of this Nation.

In April 2019 $10 million was allocated to Headland Park for the construction of a walkway, the demolition of three barrack buildings and the remediation of 10 Terminal. Based on advice from our expert property consultant, even if the whole $10 million were allocated solely to facilitate the remediation of 10 Terminal to a ’soft shell’, enabling adaptive re-use of the building, it would be insufficient.

10 Terminal must be included as one of the Trust sites requiring urgent funding. HPG is urging the Trust to provide for wider community consultation about the future of 10 Terminal, before irreversible decisions on that future are set in motion.