Let The Winds Of History Blow. Stop Private Development Of Public Land On Middle Head.

In just a few hours the Sydney to Hobart yachts will set sail after months of preparation and in many cases years of experience. The Sydney to Hobart is quintessentially a celebration of Sydney Harbour. The fleet will make its time-honoured charge down Sydney Harbour pursued by the equally traditional spectator fleet.At 86 years of age Syd Fischer, Mosman's elder statesmen of property and sea, will be setting off on his 45th Sydney to Hobart race. On Boxing Day Syd Fischer is Sydney, as enduring and enigmatic as the sandstone basin connecting the city to the sea.Syd has been a hard and uncompromising developer in Sydney for decades. However his love of sailing and record number of Sydney to Hobart yacht races make it impossible to imagine he would ever think building a massive aged care complex on Middle Head could ever be anything other than a very bad idea.Middle Head Mosman's historical significance as the point from which the indigenous people of Sydney first sighted the First Fleet entering Sydney Harbour has been highlighted repeatedly in public meetings to save Middle Head from this impending disaster. The evocative term 'First Contact' underlines the geographical and monumental nature of MiddleHead for all Australians.Michael MangoldSave Middle Head Team