No support for development or proposed amendment to management plan.

Submission to the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust

By Karl Stechmann and Colleen Santana, Mosman
Reproduced with permission

We refer to the Draft Management Plan for Middle Head Precinct (Amendment 1) and our comments regarding this matter are as follows:  

Firstly, we would like to extend our congratulations to the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust, Middle Head Precinct, on a job that to date, has been well done.  It is good to see our tax dollars being spent in a useful and functional way, allowing all of the public to enjoy the foreshore and facilities.  However, like with most progress of this nature, there is a price to be paid.  In this case, it is the citizens outside the precinct, the Mosman Council area, who have to deal with a substantial increase in traffic, noise and pollution generated in our suburb.  

Mosman is already subject to a major traffic problem with the council giving no indication of how to solve it in the longer term. One only has to be on the road, travelling through the central shopping area at the end of a school day. Tradesmen and people providing services, as well as employees in the Middle Head precinct, all use Military Road to get into and out of the area. Over the weekend, people come into the area to enjoy what Balmoral Beach has to offer, visit the Zoo, drive to the headland area to admire the view. They visit the cafes and restaurants and walk along the foreshore, activities that should be enjoyed by all.

Unfortunately, we are now in a position where any further commercial expansion in the headland/foreshore precinct is unacceptable.  This would result in people living in Mosman and visitors to the suburb no longer being able to enjoy the tranquillity and beauty of the area.

We therefore do not support any further commercial development in the area or the proposed amendment to the draft management plan to allow for a residential aged care facility. 

However, we would support the following :  

  1. Demolition and removal of the three buildings on the Northern side, East of the oval and the establishment of another lookout point, similar to the one constructed at Chowder Bay, for everyone to enjoy the wonderful views up Middle Harbour to the Spit and across to Manly.

  2. Selection of the most suitable building from Terminal 10 for the establishment of an Aboriginal Museum/Gallery to display artefacts and indigenous art, reflecting the early use of the area by the local people.

  3. Demolition of the buildings not selected and the return of the area to parkland.

We would like to put forward the above suggestions for consideration by the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust.