Proposal has a large detrimental effect on amenity and access

Submission to the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust

By Peter M. Wargent
Published with permission

Re: Proposal - Aged Care Facility/Retirement Home at Middle Head.

Having lived in Mosman for over 40 years, and having been a strong supporter of the original movement that prevented the sale of Defence lands at Middle Head to developers, I feel I am entitled to voice my opinion regarding possible uses and developments on the above lands.

These lands were saved from development with the express and correct idea that they ultimately belonged to the people of Australia, and with that in mind the best outcome was to create a national park. It is history that the Federal government was only prepared to fund the formation of the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust (SHFT), and supply enough working capital to restore bush and start the initial stages of a national park. ie. In the longer term the SHFT had to be self funding.

I acknowledge that to date the SHFT has a made a good compromise of balancing the conflicts of undisturbed bush and retention of buildings and facilities to provide income. However, not-withstanding that such income may be ( and may always be) in short supply, I suggest perhaps the conversion of all of Terminal 10 to an Aged Care Facility/Retirement Home is a step too far.

All of the buildings that the SHFT has so far leased out are utilized during the day and working hours only. The proposal is basically residential. To my way of thinking, there is a great deal of difference. The latter having a large detrimental effect on the amenity and access of the immediate area. Especially after hours and at week-ends.

The proposal appears to have a much larger footprint, and either similar heights (to barracks) or nearly double heights (red brick buildings). Given that original SHFT Management Plans show the middle barracks building to be completely demolished to provide open vista to Middle Harbour, and the red
brick buildings to be restored and adapted in their current form, the larger footprint and heights are arguably unacceptable.

2. Aged Care Facility etc. cont..

It concerns me that interaction between the facilities on both sides of the road will possibly create a lot of extra pedestrian traffic. Traffic flows on Middle Head Road are already considerably greater with public use of the park and tenants of the many leased premises. Traffic flows will increase again with both private and commercial vehicles using and servicing the proposal.

There are possibly a myriad of questions that spring to mind. Eg. Security of residents/staff in such a secluded and bushy area; notwithstanding a bus service, the proposal is a long way from shops, - how long before there is a request to set up a small/large convenience store? Not to mention the terms and conditions of the leasing arrangements, which in my view, in the prevailing circumstances, should be transparent and public. It would also help if the SHFT could demonstrate to what extent such a large commercial enterprise will help their bottom line or ameliorate any financial constraints the Trust has.

With respect, I do get the impression that to date this proposal has not been thought through and analysed carefully and fully enough. I suspect that proper due diligence by the SHFT and all relevant stakeholders will recognize that the above proposal is quite easily a step too far.

Yours faithfully,
Peter M. Wargent