Submission on proposed private development at Middle Head

Submission to Sydney Harbour Federation Trust 27/11/13

By David Briggs
Published with permission

My name is David Briggs, I am retired and live locally. I register my objection to the proposed aged-care facility and the ancillary uses now before the SHFT.

A summary of my opinion is stated as follows, To submit a full statement is now well beyond my personal resources, but hopefully the concepts and philosophy therein will be fully considered by your Board and other environmental and urban planning professionals.

  1. The Architectural and space planning illustrated by the Developer's AA is irrelevant, and should be rejected.

  2. The uses proposed are beyond the intent of the "Objects" of the SHFT Act.

  3. To permit a private  development of curtilage approx. 2 hectares is beyond the intent of the SHFT Act.

  4. Except for special buildings of architectural merit in locations that will not impinge on the progressive conservation of the precinct, other buildings that have been vacated as not  required  for defence purposes should be demolished and the landscape regenerated.Upgrading existing buildings for new uses should be limited to short term essential occupancies only.

  5. The intent of the "Objects" of the SHFT Act clearly acknowledge the significance of Middle Head and Environs as a major natural geographical  feature enhancing the visual and environmental quality of Sydney Harbour. The "Objects" set out and limit the principles of management responsibilities.

  6. Amending the Trust's Management plan is unnecessary and not wise. History tells  that "chipping away at public open space" has been an activity often by inept management, politicians or entrepreneurs for accessing land cheaply in favourable locations, as for Centennial Park, Barangaroo etc.

  7. The people of the Sydney region require  open spaces for  passive and active recreation. As Sydney's population increases, there will be high priority to protect and preserve this headland area for public access recreation and to enjoy the visual beauty offered by the Middle Head Precinct.

  8. Access to the Middle Head precinct is very restricted through Spit-Mosman shopping centre, Military Road onto Middle Head Road. (formerly Military Road). All development, increases in uses, activities and construction activities, both initial and potentially compatible, must be analysed for impacts on the established character and density of the neighbourhood and adjoining areas. Economic impacts of the Trust’s policies must be fully disclosed and funded. As the SHFT is the primary Authority for control, management, development, conservation,valuer and assessment of its lands, as the independent  Authority, it is probable that the Local and State instrumentalities will not receive appropriate compensation, ratings etc. unless negotiated at the outset.

  9. The most positive outcome from this current proposal and draft Management Plan is that the Local and general public have been alerted  and now alarmed about the Trust's implementation of policies. There will need to be much more exposure, public consultation and action by the media and Local  authorities.

    I appreciate the opportunity  to submit my opinion on this major matter of  community  interest.