Save Middle Head – development is not acceptable

Letter to Sydney Harbour Federation Trust
10 December 2013
Name withheld by request
Reproduced with permission

Mr Daniel Sealey
Manager, Planning

Residential Care Facility
Middle Head

With regard to the letter sent to us by you about this development application, we would like to object to this overdevelopment  in such a sensitive area.  This is not the right place for a development of this magnitude, 93 units plus all the ancillary buildings that will have to be built as well.  The Harbour Federation Trust is supposed to be keeping this area in as natural a state as possible and this is not the right kind of development on many levels.

Traffic up and down the only road available is already at a premium with all the development already there, and it would become a nightmare when you factor in ambulances, many staff cars, deliveries etc , etc.  It is already hard enough to try and exit from Methuen Avenue into Middle Head Road where it is impossible sometimes to see if any cars are coming, usually at speed too.

The Sydney Harbour Federation Trust have to disallow this development and other amendments to it that would surely follow.  This is not acceptable.

Name withheld by request