Trust's proposed amendments would permit future inappropriate development

Submissions to Sydney Harbour Federation Trust10 December 2013By Sue and Rodney BirdsallReproduced with permissionSUBMISSION TO SYDNEY HARBOUR FEDERATION TRUST REGARDING THE PROPOSED AMMENDMENTS TO THE MIDDLE HEAD MANAGEMENT PLANWe oppose all the proposed amendments as they principally relate to the development application for a residential care facility at Middle Head which we totally oppose – see our attached submission [below] regarding the development application.We disapprove also because the proposed amendments would appear to increase the ambit of the management plan to permit future inappropriate developments and loss of public space. Some examples are: on page 38 referring to replacement buildings, page 42 referring to additional structures and second storey additions, page 45 referring to enclosed garden for private use and figure 15 referring to possible visitor accommodation.SUBMISSION TO SYDNEY HARBOUR FEDERATION TRUST REGARDING THE DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION FOR A RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITY AT MIDDLE HEADWe believe the development referred to above should not proceed for the following reasons:(a) A significant area of public land would be converted to exclusive private use. A large and obtrusive set of buildings with fenced and quarantined areas would be developed.(b) A large area of public open space would be lost – this is a huge development covering between 7½ to 10 acres. The Sydney Harbour Federation Trust (SHFT) is supposed to protect public land. If this development goes ahead the SHFT would be betraying public trust.(c) Middle Head is a much loved open space for Sydneysiders and people from all over Australia. Picnics, bush walks, a quiet and peaceful stroll down Middle Head to examine the historical forts at the end, school excursions and safe family bicycling are some of the popular pursuits. It is a quiet and peaceful area and much needed in any large city such as Sydney.(d) The impacts on the Middle Head area from the use that was explained by the developer as catering for elderly, very frail and high care residents, seem not to have been examined properly or have been under evaluated – for example visiting medicos, ambulances, security personnel, entertainers, staff, relatives and other visitors (who require parking and even it seems in some cases accommodation (figure 15 of the proposed amendments to the Middle Head Plan includes (in red): “other permissible uses including visitor accommodation in addition to offices, studios, educational or similar”). Accommodation would also be required for night-time staff in addition to the 93 units for elderly people. A huge residential facility in total. Road safety risks seem to have been ignored.(e) Whilst the financial modelling of the project has not been disclosed to the public, at a published upfront cost of $33 million and a remaining lease period of some 19 years (current lease expires in 2033) which includes project development years, the proposed project is likely to have significant financial risks which could impact on its viability both in short and medium term. The SHFT and the people of Australia could be left with a half-finished or defunct project. Very little information has been given about the developers. They have no identified experience in aged care, possibly no business experience and their presentation on site at the public meeting on Tuesday November 26th relevant question is how much of the $33 million will go to the Trust?(f) Public consultation has been last minute and extremely limited – a letter box drop to some streets in Mosman, and more recently an advertisement in the Mosman Daily newspaper. There have been no notifications in national or state newspapers, in other community newspapers or on national or local radio stations.(g) In terms of impact on local suburbs it doesn’t take much logic to work out that Middle Head Rd in Mosman will be impacted significantly as will the already overloaded roads through Mosman Junction and Spit Junction.(h) This development does not support the aims of the SHFT’s Middle Head Plan as stated:• Conserve and interpret the Commonwealth heritage values of Middle Head• Maximise public access• Facilitate adaptive reuse for ‘appropriate’ uses• Integrate the precinct with adjoining lands as part of a unified Headland Park and network of open space. (Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Management Plan – Mosman No 7 Middle head, 7 June 2007, Aims of this Plan, page 5)Nor does it support the majority of the further 12 aims on the same page.Up to now the SHFT has done a great job which is much appreciated. As a local resident we have noticed the increase in Sydneysiders as well as other Australians and tourists enjoying the area, its bush, serenity, open spaces and attractively restored heritage buildings. We urge the SHFT to continue this wonderful work and to protect the area from developments such as the one outlined in the development proposal.Sue and Rodney BirdsallMosman