What incentives made the Harbour Trust think blatant reversal of ideals would be ok?

Submission to Sydney Harbour Federation Trust9 December 2013Name withheld by requestReproduced with permissionDear Trustees,What are you doing?Please accept my strong opposition to the proposed development of the land that is in your trust at Middle Head - for the use of a lucrative commercial privately owned old age Facility.With an undignified haste you have tried to set in motion a scheme that can only lead to a permit for the future decimation of the wonderful heritage that is located here in Mosman.Surely you cannot in your right mind think the residents of Sydney would be happy with your silent, till now, plans to “sell off” such a large area of the land for which you are supposedly the trustee.Hopefully with the pressure from the public - that you are supposed to be looking after - you will come to your senses and reverse you decision.Finally, one can only wonder what incentives made you think this blatant reversal of the Harbour Trust ideals would be ok?Yours SincerelyName withheld by request