Attend our 3rd public Meeting to save Middle Head

Dear Community Member,We urge you to attend our 3rd public meeting to Save Middle Head to will be held next Thursday 20 February, 6.30-7.30pm at the Mosman Senior Citizen’s Centre (next to Mosman Town Hall, Mosman Square, Spit Junction).


  • Mr David Shoebridge, MLC NSW Parliament, Australian Greens, will speak to the proposal to build a large private aged care residential facility on Middle Head.

  • Special Counsel Ilona Millar, Baker & McKenzie, will speak and take questions about why the proposal is unlawful.

  • We have uncovered some mistakes and inconsistencies in the proponent’s documents and will give a short slide presentation.

An Advisor from Senator Birmingham’s office will attend (but not speak).

Headland Preservation Group Inc was Re-formed

Following the meeting we will celebrate the re-instatement of the Headland Preservation Group Inc re-registered on 6 February 2014.Please join us for celebratory drinks and snacks.WHEN: 6.30pm – 7.30pm, Thursday 20 February 2014 WHERE: Mosman Council Senior Citizen’s Centre, entrance next to Mosman Town Hall, Mosman Square, Spit Junction.

View/download a PDF flyer for our meeting announcement here.