Breaking News: Harbour Trust marketing sites for lease and redevelopment to Chinese investors

WATCH TV COVERAGE TONIGHT ON CHANNEL 10 (5pm) and CHANNEL 9 (6pm)Today, on the front page of the Sydney Morning Herald, it was revealed that the Harbour Trust had been marketing, since the middle of last year, the availability of 3 sites for lease and redevelopment. Two of the sites are in the Headland Park and 1 is on North Head..The document can only be found on a Chinese government website and was still live on the internet as at 4pm today. The contact email address in the document is The document is entitled “Investment Opportunities: Tourism and Property”Apparently, the Trust ceased to market these sites around December 2013, which is around 1 month after the HPG aged care campaign began. However, Geoff Bailey, Executive Director of the Trust stated to the Herald reporter that the sites were “still in prospect”.Further, the marketing document was apparently produced and was/is still being marketed by the NSW government, not the Trust, out of 2 NSW government offices in Guangzhou and Shanghai. The text is in both English and Chinese. You can see it HERE. It also contains NSW heritage properties for sale and lease, some of which have now been sold. You can find the Trust sites starting on page 8.Both Headland Park sites are on the ridgeline with stunning views.One site is a 3,500 square metre site located on Middle Head Road which presently contains 5 original and occupied former Defence houses. One resident says they were stunned to learn about this and was interviewed by Channel 9. This site is earmarked in the document “to build a boutique accommodation offering.” The site has stunning harbour views.The other site is the fuel tanks site on Georges Heights. Available on 6,000 square metres of land “for purchase” and with “generous scope to reimagine these structures.” Apparently the words indicating "for purchase" were a “mistake”.HPG members and President Linda Bergin OAM and Vice President Julie Goodsir were interviewed today in Headland Park by TV reporters.Linda Bergin was quoted in the Herald and said that “the Trust had a duty to preserve heritage and open space and it is wrong to consider proposals which would alienate the public by long-term leases for private purposes.”NEWS FROM SENATOR BIRMINGHAM’S OFFICEWhile HPG members were being interviewed today by tv news, Senator Birmingham’s office rang Linda Bergin and revealed that no “amended” proposal for aged care had yet been received. The applicant, Middle Head Healthcare, has flagged an amended application for one side of Middle Head Road and that it would be sent to the Minster for his consent prior to obtaining consent from the Trust.URGENT - WRITE TO POLITICIANS NOW!In light of these developments, it is urgent that you write AGAIN to our elected representatives and the Trust asking them to reject any aged care proposal as unsuitable on public parkland and to withdraw any consideration of development on the additional Trust sites revealed today and to find suitable adaptive reuses for the former fuel tanks site in Headland Park.