Minister Greg Hunt invited HPG to submit an alternate proposal

An alternate plan was presented to the community at an HPG public meeting on 11 November 2014. The alternate plan includes a cultural learning event and office space, with multiple uses and multiple users, both public and private. It would be a real unifier for the community.

Minister Greg Hunt invited the Headland Preservation Group to submit an alternative to the aged care development at 10 Terminal on Middle Head. He used the excuse that no alternative to the latter “was on the table.”

Geoff Bailey, Executive Director of the Trust, said repeatedly in public forums that no alternative could be considered until due process was complete and after the Department of Environment had made their determination regarding the aged care proposal before them. A classic ‘Catch 22 situation’ and in our view totally unfair.

The alternative plan (see download links below) was developed over one month by a consortium of concerned business people and submitted to Minister Greg Hunt on 13 October 2014. The aged care development was the result of more than two years work. They cannot be compared except to show that an alternative could be developed that truly meets the spirit and vision of Tony Abbott's commitment and follows the principles and guidelines as described in the Sydney Harbour Trust Act and the Trust’s own Comprehensive Plan.

HPG provided indicative cost estimates for refurbishment of the 10 Terminal buildings, most of which was expected to be raised by public donation. Projected revenue from leasing parts of the building for a combination of office space, restaurant, cafe, conference and special events was estimated to be $500,000 per annum. The proposal would re-use the buildings rather than demolish the majority of them. We have had no reply from the minister.

Download the alternate plan documents here: