Mosman Council unanimously rejects proposal August 5, 2014

Mosman Council Resolution passed August 5, 2014

Motion Abelson/Bendall, that Council:

1. Strongly recommends to the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust to reject the proposed aged care facility on the site of the 10 Terminal Regiment building on Middle Head.

2. Notes and agrees the views of the Council officers that the proposed aged care centre:

  • Is not consistent with the aims and objectives of the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Act 2001

  • Is not consistent with the aims of the Management Plan for Middle Head

  • Will alienate the public from a significant part of Middle Head

  • Council considers that other uses of the buildings and land would be much more appropriate to the land's unique heritage and position

3. Staff include in their submission to the Trust the following issues: the destruction of military heritage, lack of a current ecological report and aboriginal heritage assessment, unacceptable bushfire risk, scenic impact, privatisation of public land.

4. Also acknowledges the very substantial and well thought out submissions of residents and resident action groups requesting the Trust to reject the proposed aged care facility and urges the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust and the Department of Environment (also including the Minister for Environment) to give these submissions thorough and due consideration.

5. Submit copies of Council’s submission to the relevant State and Federal members and the NSW Minister for the Environment and Minister for Police and Emergency Services (highlighting bushfire risk).