Save the date – SHFT Public (open) Board Meeting Tuesday 9 December

After 12 months of highs, lows and in-betweens we now have another opportunity to show our disapproval of the aged care proposal at the next Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Public (open) Board meeting on Tuesday 9 December 2014. The time and place of the meeting are yet to be announced.

The Harbour Trust knows the community has serious questions about the process, especially with regard to community consultation. Phil Jenkyn OAM, formerly a barrister and currently a Member of the Harbour Trust's Community Advisory Committee (CAC), is on public record as saying the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Board minutes were "patently wrong" in claiming majority community support for the project. He said they completely misrepresent the position of the Community Advisory Committee on the aged care proposal.

Sydney Morning Herald journalist Deborah Snow and 2GB’s Alan Jones Show have shone a spotlight on this inappropriate approval. This upcoming Board meeting is another opportunity.

Additional supporters, particularly in the legal area, are offering to support the campaign.

Stand up and be counted! Make your voice heard! Ask questions of the Trust at the Harbour Trust’s Public Board Meeting on Tuesday 9 December 2014.

Please save the date! Tell your friends, families and extended networks!We will provide details of the exact time and place of the meeting as soon as the Harbour Trust shares this information with us.