There is still time to email decision makers and say you object!

The statutory deadline for the Minister's determination is October 22nd. There is still time to write to the decision makers to voice your opinion!

The Sydney Harbour Federation Trust has been openly supportive of the proposal for aged care on Middle Head.

The proponent wants to build a private residential aged care facility in national parkland on Middle Head. A decision that goes against the Act and the Trust's Plan of Management set up to protect and preserve the heritage and the environment of this area.

John Howard promised that this land would be returned to all the people of Australia! The proposed development would destroy heritage buildings, damage the natural environment and alienate the public from the site. It would set a dangerous precedent for all national parkland and heritage sites throughout Australia.

Please write (again if you have written before) to the decision makers and ask them to reject the proposed aged care facility and similar proposals, and to protect our public parkland and heritage sites for all Australians now and in the future.