Tim Webster of Radio 2UE writes to Prime Minister

Dear Prime Minister,

I'm sure you're aware there is a lot of opposition to the proposed Aged Care Facility at Middle Head. You would, of course, be very familiar with the area.

The campaign leaders contacted me via my radio programme and I subsequently visited the old 10 Terminal site with them, and a more beautiful area of Sydney would be hard to find.

Sadly, there seems to be that old elitist perception that it's just the Mosman residents complaining because they don't want the facility close to them...well, I don't live anywhere near the area and I also think it would be a tragedy to see that historic site not preserved as a cultural and respectful reminder of our history. We are only 220 odd years old, and I believe we need to retain as much as we can.

I understand it's in the hands of Minister Hunt now for a decision...I actually spoke to a representative of The Trust and I get the impression they are in favor of the Aged Care proposal.

The buildings at 10 Terminal are very much intact and just need some TLC and refurbishment...surely a historic Museum, cafes, Indigenous Centre and redevelopment of the whole area into a National Park environment, to be shared by us all, would be a much better use of that just lovely link to our Colonial and Military past.

I'm not sure if you've visited Middle Head recently, but it really needs a bit of a facelift now...there's old, unoccupied accommodation and the 10 Terminal buildings look a bit sad.. While there might be more money for the Trust in the Aged Care option, I'm quite convinced the whole area could be made commercially viable, historically significant and environmentally friendly.

As far as the environmental considerations are concerned.... Mr Hunt, no doubt you have the options before you, but I really think the Aged Care facility would adversely affect the beautiful serenity and sheer natural beauty of Middle Head.

Warren, I'm including you because that MUST be a very significant site for the Koori people... I'm told there are areas still be to be uncovered where there are almost certainly sacred sites.

So, could I add a disapproving voice to the idea of the Aged Care option at Middle Head... I really do think it needs to be kept as a place of great emotional attachment to the people of Sydney, indeed the Nation!

I'd ask that you seriously consider an alternative option.

Thank you.
Tim Webster
Radio 2UE Sydney