Sydney Harbour Trust Public (open) Board Meeting

12 noon Tuesday 9 December 2014, Drill Hall, Cross Street, Mosman

Please attend – bring family, friends and acquaintances!

It is not too late to show your opposition to the approval for the aged care development, the almost total demolition of the 10 Terminal buildings, and the complete alteration of the natural landscape with the creation of 2 to 3 metre high earth berms on Middle Head. This large scale development will require almost 2 years of construction!The Sydney Harbour Federation Trust and Middle Head Healthcare have not signed a lease. As reported in today's Mosman Daily HPG continues to campaign against the development and is planning legal action. EDO NSW, an independent community legal centre specialising in public interest environmental law, will take up our case and assist in briefing a barrister or barristers. A junior barrister will be briefed this week.

Broadcaster Alan Jones continues to ask questions about the approval on his breakfast show on 2GB, this morning he said that he was hopeful that Tony Abbott would step in and take control.

We'd like to stand out, please wear SAVE MIDDLE HEAD t-shirts and green caps !