Middle Head Healthcare and Commonwealth withdraw from Court

The Sydney Morning Herald has reported the settlement and discontinuance of the Federal Court action between Middle Head Healthcare and the Commonwealth. This action was brought by Middle Head Healthcare a few months ago.

We are seeking legal advice in relation to HPG's continuing Federal Court action against the Trust, given this development. We do not know any details of the settlement that was reached between MHHC and the Commonwealth.

The media statement issued by the Department of the Environment states:

“The resolution of this matter in a timely manner, without the need for continued court action, allows all parties to move on."Sydney Harbour Federation Trust will continue to work to ensure that Trust land, including Middle Head, is integrated into the life of the city in a way that is consistent with the objects of the Trust, with a view to creating a lasting legacy for the people of Sydney and Australia.”

HPG looks forward to resolving all legal proceedings and working constructively with the Trust to achieve these objectives.