Middle Head Open/Planning Day

Public Consultation Day

The Harbour Trust (in conjunction with National Parks and Wildlife Service) is planning an Open/Planning Day for a Sunday (to be announced) in May 2016, for the whole of Middle Head including Sydney Harbour National Park.

This will be the ONLY public consultation day and the results will be used to draft a new plan for Middle Head. It is imperative that you participate. The new draft plan will then be placed on public exhibition. For example, do you want the barracks removed or not?

The day will include maps, self-guided tours, and information panels at ‘stations’ of interest, one being 10 Terminal. It will also include 3 Q and A sessions by the Trust. In particular, the 10 Terminal station will show what is presently allowed on the 2014 Plan, which still has the provision for a large 2-story building exceeding the footprint encompassing the complex. This is because the 2014 Plan, which the Board approved just prior to the aged care DA approval, was never revoked even though the Middle Head Health Care aged care proposal is now dead.

After the conclusion of the Open Day, the Trust will draft new amendments to the Middle Head Plan for public exhibition.Hopefully the courtyard of 10 Terminal will the opened for public access for the first time, and also some of the buildings.

Here is a copy of the report of the very first Middle Head Open Day in 2001. It is interesting to see what the community wanted for Middle Head in 2001, which are community uses for the most part.