Community consultations concerning public land

Draft Management Plan for Mosman Drill Hall Precinct (Amendment 1)

The Harbour Trust has prepared a draft amendment to the current Management Plan for the Mosman Drill Hall Precinct. The current Management Plan for the Drill Hall Precinct was adopted in 2006.

Under the 2006 Plan, the use of the existing outdoor courts is limited to daylight hours, and no lighting is to be provided. The draft plan amendment includes provisions that would permit lighting of the three existing outdoor sports courts and their use for sports training up to 8.30 pm. The draft plan amendment also provides updates to reflect matters such as current site conditions and other relevant statutory planning considerations. 

Proposed Development — floodlighting of outdoor netball courts

The Harbour Trust has received a Planning Application from Mosman Municipal Council for the installation of twelve 8-metre tall light poles (four light poles at each of the three outdoor courts) at the Mosman Drill Hall Precinct, and for the outdoor courts to be used for sports training until 8.30pm for up to four evenings a week.

HPG’s concerns:

In 2006 the Harbour Trust agreed to the relocation of the netball courts from the ridge line to the Drill Hall precinct subject to various provisions. In response to community concerns, the Harbour Trust stipulated that the courts were to be used for training purposes and in daylight hours only. Lighting of the courts was specifically prohibited. These provisions were also included in the terms of the lease of the netball courts to Mosman Council.

The effect of the Draft Management Plan for Mosman Drill Hall Precinct (amendment 1) is to overturn these provisions and permit lighting of the netball courts and night time use of the courts up until 8.30pm.

The HPG is very concerned that the Harbour Trust has approved this amendment without any professional and objective independent environmental survey being done to determine the effect of such lighting on the adjacent native flora and fauna in the National Park. There is a large body of scientific evidence against such lighting that should be considered before any approval is given.

Read a summary of recent research on the impact of night lighting on native fauna here –>

It is considered that, accompanying the extended hours of use, will be an increase in traffic and noise affecting neighbouring residents.

Both the Draft Management Plan and Proposed Development contain reports that have been commissioned by Mosman Council, the lessee, of the netball courts in response to these concerns. Since many of these reports have been prepared for the lessee, HPG is concerned that they may not be totally independent.

Environment Education Centre

Two pilot days in October will be held with school students to determine the feasibility of establishing a new Environment Education Centre in the Sydney Harbour National Park at Middle Head.

This is a co-operative planning initiative of the Headland Preservation Group, (HPG) National Parks and Wildlife Service, NSW Department of Education, Taronga Zoo, and Saving our Species.

The HPG Committee has been working to this end for three years. It is planned that students will study the military history of the headland, indigenous history, geography and flora and fauna of the park.

New Walking Track linking Middle and Georges Heads

This walk will connect the headlands to adjoining parklands and provide interpretation to assist visitors in exploring and learning about the area’s history. Remedial works to the defence forts and improvements to Chowder Bay Road will improve safety for road users and walkers.

New Middle Head weekly market

Launching Wednesday 23 October 2019 during the Festival of Mosman, the Middle Head Market will operate every Wednesday from 8am until 2pm opposite the 10 Terminal Building.

These community markets offer fresh organic fruits and vegetables, gourmet and seasonal produce and artisan products.

The SHFT Recreation Strategy has now been finalised

The Harbour Trust’s preference is for natural turf and for maintaining the prohibition against lighting at Georges Heights Oval. Unfortunately, the Harbour Trust has not ruled out the use of plastic grass at Middle Head or Georges Heights Ovals nor lighting at Georges Heights. This means that the subject will come up again.

Review of the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust

$22.3 million dollars has been allocated to the Harbour Trust in this years’ Federal budget; $10 million is for Middle Head (10 Terminal, new walking paths and demolition of the old barracks buildings), $11.4 for Platypus rehabilitation and $900.00 for the ‘review’.

The exact details of the review are unknown. However, it is a matter of great concern, particularly in relation to the continuing future of the Harbour Trust. Will it be permitted to serve out its allocated time mandate to 2033 or be handed over to other authorities, such as State or Council?

HPG Annual General Meeting – save the date

HPG’s AGM is scheduled for 19 November 2019. In addition to Committee election we hope to be able to bring you a report on the Environmental Education Centre, screen a documentary we have produced on training in the Tiger Cages on Middle Head, and learn about the planned Sydney Harbour 80km foreshore walk.

Jill L’Estrange
HPG President