Development Application – Mosman Drill Hall lighting

As many of you know the Harbour Trust has resolved to accept a Development Application from Mosman Council for the installation of lights on the netball courts adjacent to the Drill Hall and to amend the Management Plan for the precinct to accommodate this. HPG consulted members present at the Public Meeting as well as engaging considerably with other stakeholders and adopts the following views:

  1. HPG is solely focused on preserving the integrity of Headland Park and will vigorously oppose any additional sporting infrastructure development;

  2. HPG does not oppose the use of the existing netball courts and supports all local sporting groups in their endeavours to provide excellent facilities for their members;

  3. HPG supports the efforts of local residents to ensure that: 

    • Any changes to the netball courts at the Drill Hall are made in accordance with the provisions of the Harbour Trust Act and supporting plans; and

    • The Trust has undertaken all due diligence in obtaining: environmental; traffic; noise; and lighting studies.

  4. HPG is concerned that any changes to the Management Plan may have broader implications for the wider Headland Park.

To date we have written to Mosman Mayor Caroline Corrigan, and Executive Officer of the Harbour Trust Ms Mary Darwell, and engaged with local media to ensure our opinion is known on this issue. 

New HPG President: Following the resignation of Tim James (who accepted a role on the board of the Sydney Harbour Federal Trust earlier this year) Jill L'Estrange was unanimously elected as the new president of the HPG.