HPG has determined that the Revised Statement of Heritage Impact has failed to adequately examine the impact of the proposed development at Middle Head Oval against the relevant Commonwealth Heritage Listings, applicable legislative provisions and relevant statutory and other Plans.
In particular, the Heritage 21 Report (one of the many reports that were included in the DA) does not address the impact of the new construction of a covered outdoor seating area (grandstand), community area with increased hardstand, further concrete seating, BBQ’s, tables and chairs against the vision, core values, policies and objectives contained in those relevant Listings, legislative provisions and Plans.
As a result of examination of the above provisions HPG has determined that the scale, bulk and style of the development will result in a ‘significant impact’ on the material environmental, Aboriginal and military heritage values of the precinct.
HPG is of the opinion that Mosman Council’s Planning Permit should be dismissed by the Trust or at the very least due to the ‘significant impact’ of the proposed development be referred by the Trust to the Minister for assessment and determination under the provisions of the EPBC Act.