Have your say – the future of the Trust's lands lies with you!


  • Monday, 25 November 2019 at 5.00 - 7.00 pm Harbour Trust Offices, Building 28, Best Ave HEADLAND PARK, MOSMAN 

  • Tuesday, 26 November 2019 at 5.00 - 7.00 pm Building 44, Scenic Drive NORTH HEAD SANCTUARY, MANLY 

Have your say - the future of these lands lies with you! 

On 30 October, an ‘Independent Review’ of the Harbour Trust was announced by the federal Department of Environment. The Review is very broad and will make RECOMMENDATIONS to the government. This Review will impact the future of Trust lands, including Headland Park. Terms of Reference include: 

  • LEGISLATIVE: Should the Trust Act be amended to allow for more commercial opportunities? 

  • GOVERNANCE: Should the Trust be wound up in 2033, as per the Act; NOW, sooner or never? Where would the Trust lands, given to all Australians, end up if removed? Should the lands be transferred to the NSW State Government or local Councils to manage? 

  • FINANCIAL: How should the ongoing rehabilitation of these lands be funded? Should the existing balance between natural environment and heritage and commercialisation of old buildings be changed to cover these costs? Should the federal government fund these costs? 

Deadline for Submissions: 23 December, 2019 

All Review documents can be found here (http://www.environment.gov.au/about-us/shft- independent-review) 

Please attend the Review consultation if you can.
Please note that you must register your attendance online – LINK HERE 

The Trust has been a great success and its model should be enhanced, not diminished. 

We hope to see you there.