HPG Statement: Barracks hold important social military history

The Harbour Trust received 209 submissions on the first Draft Master Plan for Middle Head.

The Headland Preservation Group (HPG) reviewed all publicly available submissions and from 169 submissions concluded that 61% had significant concerns regarding the Plan.

HPG hopes that the Revised Plan reflects the community and stakeholder sentiment.

Middle Head is a heritage site of Indigenous, cultural, military and environmental significance which is Commonwealth Heritage Listed.

HPG’s major concern is the demolition of significant military heritage which includes the timber barracks buildings which was proposed in the initial Draft Master Plan. These barracks form part of and contribute to the story of the Middle Head military village. Although they are in a state of disrepair, due to the Harbour Trust’s failure to maintain them, they hold important social military history of the post WW11 period up until the 1990s.

For example, it was here that the first contingent of the Australian Army Training team Vietnam (AATTV)  were based and trained in the ‘Code of Conduct Course’ conducted in tunnels on Middle Head ( where they were tortured to withstand the torture they may experience in Vietnam). Sergeant Ray Simpson who was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal and the Victoria Cross undertook his training here. If it is still proposed in the Revised Plan that they are to be demolished we risk losing not only this story but others stories about the many other regiments over the years that occupied these barracks.

In light of the recent 50th Anniversary Celebrations marking the end of the Vietnam War it would be ironic that the last tangible reminder of where the first contingent were trained may be demolished

This historic military village is the only remaining intact establishment of its kind in Australia. We urge the Harbour Trust and the Minister to ensure that appropriate preservation of the site is undertaken.