Say NO to new buildings at Middle Head Fort in Sydney Harbour National Park

Headland Preservation Group (HPG) and Mosman Parks & Bushland Association (MPBA) oppose the construction of new buildings on Middle Head in the Sydney Harbour National Park.

Say NO to new buildings at Middle Head Fort in Sydney Harbour National Park

Say YES to an Environmental Education Centre in the Harbour Trust 10 Terminal complex

Your urgent action is needed now!

Find out more at our public meeting 6.30 pm Wednesday 21 February 2024 Mosman Square Seniors Centre, Spit Junction Mosman

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The NSW Government wants to change the statutory Plan of Management* for the Sydney Harbour National Park at Middle Head to allow new buildings.

School Infrastructure NSW wants to reuse the existing Soldiers Institute in the Middle Head Fort and construct a large new building for an Environment Education Centre (EEC) on a significant portion of land next to it. The new building includes a large Covered Outdoor Learning Area (COLA), staff facilities, amenities block, storage, walkways, driveway and disabled parking.

The proposed new development will dwarf the heritage-listed Soldiers Institute, destroy bushland and have a permanent significant impact on the heritage and cultural values of Middle Head. The Middle Head Fort has high archaeological potential for the military and indigenous.

Meanwhile, a suitable site is nearby at the Sydney Harbour Trust’s 10 Terminal. An EEC in 10 Terminal would complement the Trust’s planned interpretation centre, reuse existing vacant buildings, retain heritage and save the natural environment. HPG and MPBA have long advocated for an environment education centre at Middle Head.

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* Not to be confused with the Harbour Trust Middle Head / Gubbuh Gubbuh Master Plan. The Harbour Trust is a Federal agency managing land next to the Sydney Harbour National Park at Middle Head.