Tony Abbott announces Federal grant to restore 10 Terminal

HPG was delighted with the announcement by former MP Tony Abbott of a Federal grant of $10 million for the restoration of the historic 10 Terminal and the demolition of the derelict timber barracks to make way for parklands and a new walkway on Middle Head. This grant will assist in returning 10 Terminal to its former state as a viable asset.

Here’s a transcript of the story as it appeared in the Mosman Daily

The controversial 10 Terminal site in Mosman finally has a pathway to the future.

By Andrea McCullagh, Mosman Daily April 5, 2019

Tony Abbott MP beefed up his green credentials at Middle Head this morning as he announced a multi-million project to transform the former defence force site.

Red brick buildings ridden with asbestos will be restored, derelict timber barrack buildings will be knocked down to make way for parklands and a new walkway will link the area to Balmoral Beach.

“10 Terminal which has been an eye sore for as a long as anyone can remember will finally be restored and adaptively reused,” Mr Abbott said.

The site had been earmarked to become an aged care facility but this was stopped by the federal government after community protests.

The site is managed by the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust and Mr Abbott could not confirm who will take up residence in the buildings.

As part of the budget announced earlier this week the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust will receive $21.4 million. The funds are being split between the Mosman site and Sub Base Platypus in North Sydney, another former defence force site, for its ongoing renovations.

Mr Abbott said today’s announcement was an achievable improvement for the environment.

“I draw a distinction between environment and climate change. We can fix Middle Head and North Head,” he said.

“With 1.3 per cent of global emissions coming from Australia we are living in fantasy land if we think turning our economy upside down is going to do any good.

“Labor’s plans are economy wrecking and the local independents want something that’s even worse. I think we need to be practical and realistic. What I announced today is a really important, achievable improvement.”

Mr Abbott is facing a challenge in his electorate from independent Zali Steggall. He wouldn’t speculate on how the campaign is going but said that GetUp!, the unions and covert Labor operatives are “blitzing” the seat in the way that’s never happened before.

“I guess I should be flattered that they are making such an effort to get rid of me,” he said.

“I think local people need to understand if they vote Steggall they get Shorten and all of Shorten’s taxes and that’s going to be very bad for this area in particular.

Mr Abbott was also joined by Joseph Carozzi chair of Sydney Harbour Federation Trust, Jill Lestrange vice president of the Headland Preservation Group, Mary Darwell CEO Sydney Harbour Federation Trust and Mosman Mayor Carolyn Corrigan. Picture: AAP Image/Monique Harmer

“In Warringah there’s more than 10,000 people impacted by Labor’s retiree tax. The average impact will be $3315. Many, particularly in Mosman, will be impacted much more heavily.”

The announcement at Middle Head follows Mr Abbott’s work at nearby North Head in Manly. He helped raise funds to enable Soldier On to build a facility to help veterans transition into civilian life.