Disappointing that the Trust proposes to change the rules to accommodate a commercial developer

Submission to Sydney Harbour Federation Trust
11 December 2013
By Marion McMahon
Reproduced with permission


I strongly object to the changes suggested to the SHFT Plan of Management which has been engineered to accommodate one particular application for a private commercial overdevelopment at The Barracks and Terminal 10 Buildings.

The only parts that I agree are:

The proposed change to add "compliance with bushfire regulations". This is a high bushfire prone area and I am confident that the proposal will NOT get certification from the Bushfire Safety Authority, i.e. Rural Fire Service because it is an aged care facility and also a day hospital and , therefore, qualifies (twice) as "Special Fire Protection Purpose Approval" and as this is an "environmentally sensitive land" which can include land identified as being bush fire prone land.  Consequently SEPP Senior Living proposal may not be permitted on those areas". (SEE PLANNING FOR BUSHFIRE PROTECTION 2006).  This is a high level bushfire prone land and I am confident that it will not be approved by the RFS in order to protect the vulnerable residents.

The other part is "Any additional structures must not detract from the significance or views to or from the site" and "Any additional structures must not detract from the significance or views to or from the site."

The proposed development will adversely affect views to Middle Head from Middle Harbour

It is disappointing that the rules (Plan of Management) are to be changed to accommodate a commercial developer who stands to make a huge financial gain from public loss.

If the new Plan of Management and proposed development is approved, it will sully the reputation of the Harbour Trust.

Marion McMahon