Letter to Linda Bergin

Letter to Linda Bergin
11 December 2013
Reproduced with permission

Dear Ms Bergin,

My friends have informed me about the Development Application. Came as a surprise as I believed this was public land not to be used for such a large scale development.

Perhaps the only was to fight this development is to look to other uses and get support from say the Australian Museum, Botanical Gardens and Taronga Zoo.

Check out the Sydney Institute of Marine Science (at Chowder Bay) website - supported by many local Universities.

This would be an ideal site for a research centre for biodiversity in the Sydney area.

It could be set up for research and education for small mammal, reptile and insect populations in the Sydney region. There could also be a breeding programme.

There are many primary schools on the lower north shore. This would be a wonderful opportunity to set up a study centre open for small school groups.

The Botanical Gardens could be involved with planting and  information on local plant species. A name which comes to mind is Dr. Frank Talbot, a past Director of the Australian Museum who may live in Mosman. Perhaps time to get the scientists on board to come up with a proposition. This is such a perfect site and I'm sure local residents wouldn't object to the occasional bus of school children passing by.

Name withheld by request