Email Campaign Pauses for Christmas. Petitions and Letterbox Drops Take Over.

Special thanks to everyone taking up the challenge to send emails to key politicians. Save Middle Head's campaigning has focused on getting the urgent attention of Tony Abbott as Member for Warringah.However as many people have said so passionately at public meetings so far the 'Harbour Trust was established to protect public land for all Australians!' That’s why we're reaching out across Sydney to alert and inform as many people and politicians as possible about what's at stake.'Betrayal of trust', dismay and sheer disbelief that public land (fought for so resolutely by the community 17 years ago) is once again under threat; are recurring themes when people are told what is being proposed. "Wasn't the Trust established to protect public land?" is at the top of a long list of people's questions.There are also serious concerns about the dangerous precedent the privatisation of public land on Middle Head for residential health care would set. This is why we are taking the campaign to Joe Hockey's North Sydney electorate where the Harbour Trust's Platypus site on Neutral Bay is just across from the Neutral Bay ferry wharf.The Harbour Trust's site at Manly on North Head is also vulnerable. That's why we're asking members of the community to contact Councillor Jean Hay AM, Mayor of Manly and Harbour Trust Board member, to make her aware of their opposition to the proposals for Middle Head and their fears for North Head.By the proponent's own admission at public meetings, planning in consultation with Trust has been going on for at least a year. The highly detailed drawings and image simulations must have required a considerable amount of time and money to prepare. The community doesn’t understand why the Trust waited until the lead up to Christmas to let them know of their plans for public land on Middle Head.The Christmas 2013 holiday period is going to be memorable. A small army of volunteers has revised or put their Christmas holiday plans on hold to keep the Save Middle Head campaign going over the break. Please offer your help. Email: savemiddlehead@gmail.comThe speed, intelligence and passion with which the community responded in deconstructing the proposed Development is truly awesome. An amazing array of practising and retired professionals in architecture, building, design, development, accounting, finance, town planning, government administration, traffic control, health care, media, publishing, law, education, marketing and advertising are sharing their expertise, time and donations to channel their anger to save Middle Head.Have a great break. Keep up the good work, spread the word. We will all need to redouble our efforts very early in the New Year to Save Middle Head for everyone, forever!Save Middle Head TeamLinda Bergin OAM,