Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Act of Parliament 2001

Save Middle Head Team comment 14 December 2013

Attendees at the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Public Board meeting 3pm Wednesday 11/12/13 demonstrated a deep understanding and commitment to the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Act.In the questions and comments from the floor following 10 minute presentations to the Board by Linda Bergin OAM, Coordinator Save Middle Head and the proponent of the Development, Teelia Peploe, several members of the community requested the process be suspended to allow for an extension of community consultation.They challenged the legality of the proposed Amendments to the Middle Head Management Plan and questioned the validity of such Amendments to accommodate the proposed Development of an aged care facility.They were united in their praise of the achievements of the Sydney Federation Harbour Trust so far but dismayed by the lack of community consultation.Ms Anthea Tinney, Chair of the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Board thanked community members for attending. Mr Geoff Bailey, Executive Director, Sydney Harbour Federation Trust told around 150 people who were present that "From hereon the Trust has a rather large task to assess a couple of  hundred submissions. Those submissions raise various and many issues which need to be pursued and adequately understood by the Trustees before they make a decision. From hereon they may well be asking the executive to provide them with further information on anything from views and vistas to and from the Harbour, traffic matters, and of the myriad of issues you raise in your own submissions and other issues that the Trustees themselves may raise. "How long that will take……..there's no timetable for that, but it's likely to take the next couple of months I would think."Save Middle Head TeamLinda Bergin OAM,