Middle Head is not right area or place for aged care/retirement facility

Submission to Sydney Harbour Federation Trust
11 December 2013
Name withheld by request
Reproduced with permission

Dear Sir,

I am a registered nurse, semi-retired, still working permanent part-time one day a week in nursing homes/aged care, and have many years experience in this area. (Many years ago I was actually a director of an aged care facility in SA, when living in SA).

I submit: Middle Head and the Headland Park is not right area or place for aged care/retirement facility.

  1. Many people in such facilities are already into their 90's +, therefore don't drive, and their relatives are also elderly. Mobility (to shops etc etc) a concern. +visitors access and ease of visiting a concern.
  2. Parking (approx 50 in proposal) totally inadequate. Apart from residents cars, continual visitors, medical specialists, tradesmen, service personnel, etc, etc, etc.
  3. Staff – very many staff in this profession /occupation are students and/or people who are not paid well. Many come from western suburbs. Need to be near regular bus/train transport.
    Facility at Middle Head will probably have difficulty attracting required staff.
  4. Financial – some research indicates such facilities now charge bonds upwards of $400,000, and monthly payments upwards of $5,000/month.
    Have proponents done due diligence on whether proposal will be able to attract such fees?
    Have the SHFT cross checked such information, and/or done their own independent analysis?

Yours faithfully,
Name withheld by request