Private development on Middle Head will have a major adverse impact on the use of public land

Submission to Sydney Harbour Federation Trust
9 December 2013
by Robert Tobias OAM
Reproduced with permission

Dear Sirs

I write in respect of the Development Application from Middle Head Health Care for an aged care facility in the Middle Head Precinct involving the leasing, modification and adaptive reuse of existing buildings at 10 Terminal and the demolition and construction of new buildings in the location of the timber Barracks Buildings.

The excellent work done by you on the former military land at Middle Head dedicated by the Commonwealth Government risks being undone by this proposal.

10 Terminal and the timber Barracks Buildings do need to be demolished as they do not appear to me to have any historical or architectural merit and certainly subtract from the excellent restoration of other buildings in the vicinity. Replacing them with even larger buildings and especially buildings for private commercial purposes is not in keeping with land that was specifically given over for public space. I suggest they be demolished and turned over to grass land.

The Sydney foreshore area is precious. It is a limited resource and once developed will be lost to both the people of Sydney and its visitors. Sydney Harbour and the public will be best served by preserving as much of the Harbour's natural landscape as is possible.

The introduction of a private project with little or no community value defies the logic of a public space and the purpose for which the Precinct was established. Although there is a need generally for aged care facilities throughout Australia this facility will hardly have a material impact on that need but will have a major adverse impact on the use of public land by the public over generations as well as the visual environment of the area.

I would also mention that the access to the area is inadequate at present being serviced by a third rate roadway between Cobbitee Street and Chowder Bay Road which is already being used by the Navy, visitors to the area and commercial traffic servicing the commercial enterprises already established. Apart from the construction vehicles that will use the road there will also be the long term additional commercial traffic needed to service the aged care facility should it be built.

I am hopeful that your consultation is not a 'whitewash' that ignores the public interest over commercial interests.

Yours sincerely
Robert Tobias OAM