Letter to the Prime Minsiter the Hon Tony Abbott

Submission to the Prime Minister
9 December 2013
Name withheld by request
Reproduced with permission

The Hon Tony Abbott
Prime Minister,
PO Box 6022
House of Representatives, Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Dear Prime Minister,

Proposed Development – Residential Care Facility Middle Head Park

We write to request that you intervene in the above proposal to build a major commercial development in Middle Head Park.

The Sydney Harbour Federation Trust has, till now, done an excellent job in preserving the heritage and environmental value of the Park.

The current proposal does not fit with the Trust’s stated aim of creating “the finest foreshore park in the world”. It is contrary to the objects of the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust Act enacted by Prime Minister Howard’s government. You played a pivotal role at the time in securing this legislation.

This proposal ties up public land for at least 20 years, effectively eliminating it from the Park.
This is not merely a local issue. It adversely affects the future of the Sydney Harbour Park which has historic and cultural significance at a national level.

We have also written to the Minister for the Environment on this issue

Your sincerely
Name withheld by request