the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust had a mandate to protect the beautiful foreshores of Sydney Harbour

Submission to Sydney Harbour Federation Trust
6 December 2013
By Kate Rae
Reproduced with permission

Dear Trustees,

RE: Draft Amendment to Management Plan and Development Application for Aged Care Facility

It was my understanding that the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust (SHFT), had a mandate to protect the beautiful foreshores of Sydney Harbour and “create a lasting legacy” for all Australians to enjoy “the pristine natural bushland” (quotes from the SHFT website).

The recent proposal at Middle Head for an Aged Care facility seems to be totally contrary to this purpose and suggests that THE TRUST (SHFT) has deviated from it duties and responsibilities on behalf of all Australians and, hence, betrayed our trust.

I wish you to reconsider your governance of this Sydney Harbour parkland and withdraw the above amendment and development application.

Yours faithfully
Kate Rae