No to Aged care facility!

8 December 2013
By B Worrall
Reproduced with permission

I want to commend the Harbour Trust for the good work they have done in Mosman thus far. But I am opposed to the proposed aged care facility.

In my experience with a family member at such a facility I can vouch that views/harbour are totally irrelevant to residents. So why build this development  on one of the prime spots in Mosman. It's an outrage! Residents in these facilities generally pine to be in their own homes and often spend their time watching tv, playing cards or sleeping. Bets are on they won't be sitting on the lawn overlooking the harbour waxing lyrical about the beauty of nature.

The west coast of California with its fabulous coastline is now nearly invisible and inaccessible to the public because it has all been built out and sold to private individuals. It's a crime. Don't do this to Mosman.

B Worrall