Expert Heritage Report commissioned by HPG for EPBC

Thanks to the generous (and continuing) membership subscriptions and donations, the Headland Preservation Group (HPG) was able to commission Heritage Consultants Graham Brooks & Associates to prepare an in-depth report as part of HPG's submission to the Federal Department of Environment calling for an EPBC Act Controlled Action (full environmental impact and heritage assessment) and rejection of the redevelopment of the 10 Terminal buildings and environs.Graham Brooks received the 2013 Australian Institute of Architect’s Francis Greenway Restoration Award for Conservation and Creative Adaptive Reuse of the State Theatre and Gowings Buildings.

Download the report by Graham Brooks & Associates here >

The report concludes the 10 Terminal Development Proposal should be subject to a Controlled Action under the EPBC Act and/or be rejected outright.

Key Points:

  • it is not an adaptive reuse of the 10 Terminal buildings

  • majority of the 10 Terminal buildings will be demolished (only a small portion on the northern and southern side will be left standing

  • demolition is not reversible (in theory the 10 Terminal buildings should be handed back when the 25 years lease expires but demolition will mean the heritage will be lost forever).

  • larger footprint (at least double) and massed two storey buildings will be far more visible from the land and the Harbour

  • heat retardant walls (fire walls) will be approximately 150 m long and 2.1 to 3.1 m high along the edge of bushland will block bushland and Harbour views

  • it is in a Category 1 bushfire prone land area – an aged care facility should not be allowed because of the vulnerability of the residents