Large turnout for public meeting held on January 23

Turnout for the public meeting to Save Middle Head held on January 23 was unusually large and we counted 180-190 with many standing and some unfortunately being turned away.

There was no evident support for the aged-care proposal at the meeting, and much applause in opposition to the proposal.Our President Linda Bergin OAM returned early from overseas to be able to Chair the meeting, in light of the urgency of the campaign.

The Harbour Trust did not attend with the exception of Board Member Peter Lowry OAM, however we did receive apologies from Board Members Clr Jean Hay AM and Leo McCleay.

Guest speaker Phil Jenkyn OAM, barrister and founder of Defenders of Sydney Harbour Foreshores, the original Defence land coalition formed in 1997, spoke eloquently and forcefully in opposition to the aged-care proposal. Phil visited the Trust and researched this proposal independently. He has concluded that the proposal is in violation of the Trust’s duty to conserve and care for its sites. Phil proposed the demolition of the 3 barracks and the adaptive re-use of Ten Terminal as aligning most with the heritage values of the site.

Also attending were members of “Save Little Manly Beach” and the President Jacqueline French spoke about their recent victory in the NSW Land and Environment Court against Manly Council’s attempt to sell foreshore land. (The Harbour Trust is not under this jurisdiction). Save Little Manly Beach expended around $200,000 to win its battle.