URGENT PUBLIC MEETING 6pm-7pm Thurs 23 January 2014 – Seniors Centre, Mosman Council, Spit Junction

Linda Bergin OAM has cut short her trip to Italy to return to Australia to address an urgent public meeting 6pm-7pm Thursday 23 January 2014 at Mosman Council Seniors Centre, entrance next to Mosman Town Hall, Mosman Square, Spit Junction. PUBLIC MEETING AGENDA

  • Aged-care campaign update
  • Launch of Headland Preservation Group and new website
  • Excerpt of documentary film “Battle For Sydney Harbour”
  • Guest speaker Philip Jenkyn OAM Founding Chair Defenders of Sydney Harbour Foreshores, 
barrister and legendary campaigner
  • Discussion proposed Indigenous Memorial Park and Cultural Centre

"We must continue to work to stop the development of 10 Terminal site on Middle Head in Headland Park," Linda Bergin said. "If this development is allowed it would be a large scale new residential development instead of adaptive reuse limited to open space and park objectives stated in the Harbour Trust Act. "Please attend this important public meeting to protect public land. Your continuing support is critical to the success of this campaign." At the public meeting Linda Bergin will be urging the Hon Tony Abbott, Prime Minister of Australia and MP for Warringah to personally intervene to suspend the development application for the development of a private residential aged care complex at the 10 Terminal site on public land on Middle Head. The Sydney Federation Harbour Trust's head office and the site of the proposed development are in the electorate of Tony Abbott. The then Prime Minister John Howard and Tony Abbott were instrumental in the original decision to establish the interim Sydney Harbour Federation Trust in September 1998: "On announcement of the establishment of the Interim Trust, the Prime Minister, the Hon. John Howard MP, reminded Australians that Sydney Harbour is ‘…probably the world’s greatest harbour. It is one of the great natural beauty spots of our nation. It is the cradle of European settlement in Australia and it is one of those parts of our country which gives immense pride and immense pleasure, not only to the residents of Sydney, but also to all Australians because it wins such wide acclaim around the world.’ "Prior to this it had been proposed to sell portions of the sites for redevelopment. This resulted in vigorous community opposition and as a consequence the Government decided to establish the Trust to devise a long-term plan to return the vacated land to the People of Australia, ‘…not just to the people of Sydney, not just to the people of the suburbs around Sydney Harbour but to all of the people of Australia.’" [Reference]