The Mosman Daily 16 October – Ruling set for 10 Terminal

Story in this week's Mosman Daily 16 October 2014

Ruling Set for 10 Terminal

The fate of Middle Head's 10 Terminal complex is set to be decided next week.

Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt has until October 22 to rule whether the site is to be preserved or approved for the development of an 86-bed-aged-care home and dementia day clinic.

The site has been subject to a full federal environment impact assessment ahead of Mr Hunt's decision.

The battle to save the site, which is a former military headquarters, from private development has been raging for two years.

At the forefront of the fight has been a group who call themselves the Headland Preservation group.

They have staged protests ands sent letter to Tony Abbott, Mike Baird and a raft of other politicians in the hope of helping their cause.

President Linda Bergin said the site was a historic parkland with military and indigenous heritage that needed to be protected. “The prospect of public land being handed to a private developer for a large private residential development is clearly unacceptable,” Ms Bergin said.

Instead of an aged-care home, the group proposes the site is transformed into a cultural hub.

The group has been circulating a petition opposing the planned aged-care home and has already garnered more than 1300 signatures.

Volunteers will be at Balmoral Beach this Sunday, October 19, from 1pm-3pm, for anyone who wishes to add their name to the list.