Public Meeting Thursday 8 May 2014

Come to our next public meeting – 6.30 pm Thursday 8 May At the Mosman Senior Citizens’ Centre,  Spit Junction, (next to Mosman Town Hall). Get the full story and ask questions. Pick up draft letters you can send to the decision makers and politicians.

A 'new' revised proposal

A private developer is closing in on a very long lease of Commonwealth public parkland on Middle Head to build a large private residential aged care home.

The proposed development will:

  • involve the majority demolition of an “exceptionally rare” collection of buildings [10 Terminal] and its replacement with a large monolith – is this adaptive re-use?

  • create a massive 2-storey building with a heat shield (fire wall) over 100 metres long 2 to 3 metres high – out of all proportion to the existing footprint and environs

  • increase traffic and put even more pressure on parking

  • impact on views from historic fortifications and harbour

Last week, the developer took its proposal to Environment Minister Greg Hunt, asking him to ‘flag it through’ so that it won’t need the normal full environmental and heritage assessment.

These buildings have a long and rich military heritage.

  • Exceptionally rare buildings on the Commonwealth Heritage List

  • World War II and Cold War Intelligence Headquarters (HQ)

  • Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV) base – over 100 commendations and 4 Victoria Crosses

The proposed development is a private commercial enterprise for profit. It is at odds with the Sydney Federation Harbour Trust Act of 2001 which requires the Harbour Trust to “conserve” and “maximise public access” with appropriate adaptive re-use of heritage buildings.

Write to the Minister by the closing date – Wednesday 14 May. Tell the Minster that this proposed development must go to a full assessment and not just be ‘flagged through’. Your letter counts! And tell your friends! 1 tells 5 tells 5 tells 5 = 125 concerned citizens and letter writers!