On the advice of Senior Counsel, on 23 March 2015 the Environmental Defenders Office (EDO) NSW, on behalf of the Headland Preservation Group Inc., filed an application in the Federal Court for Judicial Review of the Trust's approval of the aged care proposal for Middle Head.
The matter is in the preliminary stages for directions as to procedural matters.
Also, Bob Baldwin's office has told us that his review is still continuing and so there is no opportunity to meet presently. Mr. Baldwin is the new Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for the Environment and has responsibility for the Trust.
Below are lovely street-view photos of 10 Terminal taken in 2009 and 2013.
In 2009 the Harbour Trust advertised the 10 Terminal red-brick Art Deco buildings showcasing heritage features for a range of adaptive re-uses.
The buildings were “unrenovated” and needed to be “refurbished”. The advertising brochure mentioned the “fine institutional character” of the buildings. The condition in 2009 and the condition in 2013 appear much the same.
10 Terminal screen grab street view Google Maps Nov 2009
10 Terminal screen grab street view Google Maps June 2013