Elizabeth Farrelly “Runs Riot” On the Truth

Today, Fairfax has published an opinion piece by Elizabeth Farrelly in which she claims the revocation of the aged care approval has “nothing to do with the public interest” and that the community has “created an illusion” of the truth. Ms. Farrelly's piece contains many errors. Her conclusion is obviously mis-informed.

Here are some errors we have identified:

  1. UNTRUE – “A small aged care facility” and “set inside the existing volume”, and “contained within the existing height and footprint”. In fact it greatly exceeds both the height (1-storey increased to 2-storey) and footprint

  2. UNTRUE – There are not multiple “bus routes” (there is only 1 some distance away) and there are no “facilities” except one cafe.

  3. MISLEADING – “10 Terminal was never public”, the site is owned by the Harbour Trust, it is public land, and the Trust has a mandate to maximise public access. It is temporarily fenced off for safety. 

It is important to express your opinion by emailing a Letter to the Editor, today if possible at letters@smh.com.au. Emails sent this morning, have a better chance of being published.Here are some errors we have identified.