Council Motion on plastic grass for Middle Head Oval

HPG recognises that over utilisation of Mosman playing fields is a community problem. But plastic grass (synthetic turf) on Middle Head is NOT the answer

Next Tuesday 14 November Mosman Councillors will debate a motion to cease further work on the synthetic turf Development Application (DA) pending a report to Council.

Read the motion and background information here:  Synthetic turf motion_14 Nov 17.pdf

HPG believes that:

  • Middle Head Oval is used for passive recreation as well as organised sport. Synthetic turf would discourage the oval’s use by the general public.

  • A synthetic surface should not replace a natural surface in any part of Sydney’s environmentally significant and sensitive Foreshore Park.

  • Unlike synthetic turf on ovals in urban areas, micro plastics in the runoff drains directly into Middle Harbour. These minute particles get into the marine food chain and are a growing health issue.

  • There is a global concern about possible health risks to children playing on synthetic turf.

  • There are other issues which HPG believes Council Staff should address, for example, whole of life cost compared to a natural turf upgrade; the commissioning of an independent environmental, health and safety report; and the alternative of putting synthetic turf on other Council fields that are less environmentally sensitive.

HPG also suspects that Council approval of a DA for synthetic turf on Middle Head would contravene its own Environmental Sustainability Policy, its commitment to Harbour Care and its ban on synthetic turf on nature strips to protect biodiversity values.

Synthetic turf is not the only solution. For example, Council's own experience is that oval upgrading, particularly the substrate and drainage, and planting tough, wear resistant grasses does improve playing field availability.