HPG AGM November 20, 2017

We were pleased to be joined by Mary Darwell, CEO of the Trust who addressed and took questions on a range of matters including 10 Terminal, Middle Head Oval and a Visitors Centre.  We appreciate her engagement and candour.

The Committee for 2017/18:

President: Tim James
Vice-President: Jill L’Estrange
Secretary: Tony MacCormick
Treasurer: Eve Bagnall
Committee: Julie Goodsir, Barry Woods, Sandy Godfrey, Pam Somerville, Rob Bagnall.

We appreciate the confidence shown in us as a Committee and commit to working hard for you and our community.

We would like to recognise and thank outgoing Committee Member, Linda Bergin OAM, for her contribution to the Committee and HPG this last year.

Attached is a copy of the President's Report and the AGM Presentation (including the Treasurer's Report) as presented to the meeting.​

We look forward to the year ahead.