25th Anniversary Fundraising Dinner: a resounding success

The Mosman community and beyond gathered in their hundreds on 8 November 2022 to recognise the 25th Anniversary of the Headland Preservation Group (HPG). At a sold-out fundraising dinner at the Harbour Trust’s superb venue, Sergeants Mess in Chowder Bay, the contribution and achievements of HPG in helping to save and protect Harbour Trust lands were celebrated.  

Professor Dennis Foley, a Gai-mariagal man with a matrilineal connection to Middle Head and whose father served there, welcomed the 250 guests to country with informed warmth. As guest speaker, General Sir Peter Cosgrove AK CVO MC (Rtd) headlined the event, and his passion for the preservation of Sydney’s foreshore and the indigenous and military history was evident.

HPG President Jill L’Estrange highlighted the achievements of the past 25 years, including HPG’s involvement in the establishment of the Harbour Trust and drafting the Trust Act, the campaigns against inappropriate development and the recent amendments to the Act. Joseph Carrozzi AM, Chair of the Harbour Trust, and Executive Director Janet Carding made an unexpected presentation of a framed memento of the many parliamentary acknowledgements of HPG’s efforts.

ABOVE: HPG President, Jill L’Estrange, highlighted the achievements of the past 25 years.

Guests included Mosman Mayor Carolyn Corrigan, Northern Beaches Mayor Michael Regan, Commander of HMAS Penguin Michael Nipperess, indigenous art curator Djon Mundine, former HPG President and Member for Willoughby The Hon Tim James MP, and former Labor Senator John Faulkner and Lachlan Harris, co-founders of the 80k Bondi to Manly Walk.

HPG was gratified to see the community support for this event, including many local residents and identities. Mosman community groups and organisations were present, such as Mosman Parks and Bushlands, Mosman RSL, Mosman Environmental Foundation, and DiJones Mosman Real Estate. The generous spirit in the room was evident when it came to fundraising. Approximately $40,000 was raised through a fine wine lucky dip, a short auction of 4 special items and pledges and donations for HPG’s Veterans Art Project

HPG extends a very big thank you to supporters who have donated items and to the following generous individuals and organisations:

  • Ken Done

  • Local Eyes Australia and owners Jamie and Alex Creer

  • Ripples Chowder Bay and Bill Dracopoulos of Sydney Restaurant Group

  • Fiona McIntosh Art

  • EcoWalks Tours and Brigadier Kevin O’Brien

  • Matt Bisaro Floral Craftsman, Mosman

  • Langton’s Wines

  • Philomena Spearitt

  • Torbrek Wines

  • Frenchy’s Café

  • And sincere thanks to our MC, SkyNews business editor Ross Greenwood, and auctioneer John Sullivan, of DiJones Mosman & Neutral Bay, who have both kindly donated their services.

On a superb spring evening, with a blood moon rising and in the incomparable natural harbourside setting, guests were reminded of the continuing importance of protecting and preserving these precious lands.

Read Jill L'Estrange, HPG President's speech here >

View highlights of the Dinner

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Images: Jeff Lambert