Proposed development on Middle Head is not in line with the vision and intent of the SHFT Act

Submission to Sydney Harbour Federation Trust
8 December 2013
By Jillianne Weekes OAM
Reproduced with permission

Ms Anthea Tinney
Sydney Harbour FederationTrust

Dear Ms Tinney,

Submission re Draft Management Plan for Middle Head Precinct
Proposed Development – Residential Care Facility

I am writing to express my concern in regard to the proposed plans for the Residential Care Facility for the Middle Head Precinct.

I have 3 main concerns:

  1. This development application is not consistent with the SHFT comprehensive Plan, nor is it consistent with the SHFT Management Plan – Mosman No. 7 – Middle Head, even if that plan were to be amended by the Draft Amendment.
  2. This development application is not in line with the objects of the Trust as set out in section 6 of the Act.
  3. Nor are many of the functions of the Trust as set out in Section 7 of the SHFT Act upheld in relation to this development proposal.

The vision of the Trust is set out in the Comprehensive Plan.  It is stated to be:
‘To provide a lasting legacy for the people of Australia by helping to create the finest foreshore park in the world and to provide places that will greatly enrich the cultural life of the city and the nation.’

The proposed development is not in line with the vision as set out above and should therefore be stopped immediately.

The Draft Amendment and the Development Application propose a development that is contrary to the intention of the SHFT Act, as set out in the preamble of that Act as the development would detract from the conservation and preservation of land to the detriment to all but a small number of Australians – the Draft Amendment and Development Application propose the use and extensive development land for commercial interests that are inconsistent with the public nature of the land.

The Draft Amendment and the Development Application propose a development that is contrary to the objects of the Trust as above because they would:

  • detract from the amenity of the Sydney Harbour region
  • not protect, conserve or interpret the environmental and heritage values of Trust land
  • prevent all but very limited public access to 11,000 sqm of Trust land.

I urgently request that the SHFT Board under your leadership, stop this development and look at more suitable opportunities in line with the vision and intent of the SHFT Act.

Yours sincerely
Jillianne Weekes (Mrs) OAM