NSW Planning Minister to investigate sustainable alternatives to synthetic grass

“Fake grass may be greener, but much hotter and less friendly to environment”

Story by Julie Power, Sydney Morning Herald, March 14, 2021

Plastic playing surfaces are extremely damaging for the environment and HPG is pleased to see that NSW Planning Minister Rob Stokes has asked his department to investigate sustainable alternatives to synthetic grass. See story here →

HPG campaigned for three years against a proposal to replace natural grass with on Middle Head Oval with synthetic plastic grass. Read more here →

The costs to the environment through the use of dangerous chemicals, waste from continual replacement of plastic turf because of wear and tear, migration of micro-plastic from constant shedding of particles through fibre wear, and the massive increase in high temperatures on and around the fields far outweigh any perceived benefits for organised sports.

Middle Head Oval successfully upgraded using natural grasses

The cost to Councils to impose protocols of safe construction and ongoing maintenance of plastic surfaces are much much higher than the cost of upgrading playing fields through soil remediation, tougher natural grasses, better drainage, and watering systems. The outstanding result of the strategy the retain and upgrade Middle Head with natural grass is there for everyone to see.

HPG is concerned that with increased pressure for more intense use of playing fields that there may be new calls for more artificial surfaces such as rubber and plastic turf. The environmental, health, traffic and national amenity value of Harbour Trust lands and that of other public lands will need vigorous defending in the face of any such pressure.

Read HPG’S previous blog posts about plastic grass here: